Title: Love me (spin-off set in Forbidden Flame) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG-13 Summary: A little peek into what happens after the events of Forbidden Flame.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 10) Pairing: HanHae Rating: NC-17 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it's not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 9) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it's not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 8) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG-13 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it's not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 7) Pairing: HanHae Rating: NC-17 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it's not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 6) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG-13 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it's not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (part 5) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it’s not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 4) Pairing: HanHae Rating: NC-17 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it's not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (part 3) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG-13 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it’s not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.
Title: Forbidden Flame (Part 2) Pairing: HanHae Rating: NC-17 Summary: Donghae was just a plaything who was bought to please. And it’s not even fun when he falls for the one who paid to keep him, who also vowed never to love.